Atharva veda hymn to the earth
Atharva veda hymn to the earth

atharva veda hymn to the earth atharva veda hymn to the earth

“To the bull that slays the enemy, to Kâma, do I render tribute with ghee, oblation, and (sacrificial) melted butter. Nīcáiḥ sapátnān máma padaya tvám abhíṣṭuto mahatā́ vīryèṇa |” “sapatnahánam r̥ṣabháṃ ghr̥téna kā́maṃ śikṣāmi havíṣā́jyena Now, let’s proceed with the analysis of the hymn. These hidden aspects have been brought out in my commentary. of clearcut indications from which we would know the reality. This is why the hymn “Kāma-Sūkta” is also addressed to Bhagawan Rudra in his aspect of the primordial god of desire.Īlthough this hymn does not name ‘Rudra’ directly anywhere, yet, there are umpteen no. Because he pervades everything as their lifeforce, he is the “Prana”, and so on so forth…Įverything is Bhagawan Rudra and all names point at one or other of his various attributes, or at his tasks.

atharva veda hymn to the earth

– beyond the universe as the infinite fire of consciousness, within the universe he exists as the three-fold types of fires (grāhapatyā etc.) as a carrier of the sacrificial libations to the recipients and within the microcosm (bodies of Jivas) as the gastric fire (vaisvānara) – Hence he is the one who is called as “Agni”. Because he is the one who exists as the fire in three planes – viz.Because all the created beings (including all the gods) are created by him and all of them are his “paśus”, and he is the sole lord of all, he is called “Paśupati”.Because he is the Anger that keeps control over the administration of the universe, he is lord “Manyu”.For instance –īecause his “desire” created the universe, he is the primordial god of desire, hence he is lord “Kāma”. Those seers know that it is Bhagawan Rudra alone whose various attributes are sung in Vedas. For ignorant people, they look as hymns to different gods, but one who has discerning eyes would be able to understand the “r̥ṣī-hr̥daya” i.e., the heart of the seer. This is why they passed those Vedic hymns to us by stating the “dēvatā (deity)” of the hymns under different names. They realized that it is Bhagawan Rudra alone who adorns various aspects for various tasks of the universe. Indus Valley Civilization and Atharva Veda Hindu civilization are the same.All the various seers (r̥ṣīs) of Vedas had uniformly realized the one fact that – all the Vedic hymns are actually the hymns for Rudra alone.Bull is found commonly in most Indus Valley and Harappan seals and relics, and its numerous references in Atharva Veda along with same geographic areas indicates.Atharva Veda refers to the bull quite bull frequently.This proves the contemporaneity of Aharva Veda with Rig Veda. Indra is the most popular deity in Atharva Veda followed by Agni and Soma, similar to Rig Veda.It prescribes various plant based medicines accompanied by mantras to heal the body. Atharva Veda is the first Indian text which talks about medicine.While Europe and Arab countries were still hunter gatherer barbarians, Indians had already developed a superior culture.National and social problems were handled by a parliament or samiti. The Rajakarma Suktas talk about the political system during those days.Atharva Veda is one of the oldest texts to talk about building and constructions, trade and commerce and statecraft.Hymn 1.23 and 24 talks about leprosy and prescribes a medicine called rajani, a lichen with antibiotic properties.Atharva Veda is one of the oldest texts to talks about antibiotics.It predates Bible by 1500 years and Koran by 2000 years!.The bulk of the text dates from 1500 BC to 1000 BC. Atharva Veda is one of the oldest Indo-European texts.

Atharva veda hymn to the earth